In this post, you will best bus from Cusco to Puno, the different services available to travel from Cusco to Puno, direct buses, buses with stops, the route of the sun as know as Ruta del sol, and more. Cusco to Puno buses and prices Direct bus There are buses from Cusco to Puno, but you must book in advance in order to have a seat available there are several companies Inka Express bus, Transzela, Cruz del Sur, and more but not all of them are safe you must pay attention to your suitcases, Cusco Puno direct bus goes from the departure to the last destination the only exception is a quick stop whenever the drivers change for instance, but people aren't hopping on and off the bus. These buses usually earn a couple of stops along the street. It turned out to be a quick drive from the middle. Tourist Cusco to Puno bus or vice-versa Several bus companies run the tourist bus route that is essential with a guide and stops at tourist sites on the route (known as the route of the sun or Ruta del sol in Spanish) We sell most of them. These services depart every day, they have fixed departs at times. If you want a private bus instead don't neglect to tell me at what time do you will love to begin this service. All seats are very comfortable and all are clean and the guides are experts. If you require assistance locating a particular tour, please get in touch with us for more details we offer our customers the best experiences and guided tours. You'll have lunch at a restaurant on the way. You've got a free afternoon to relax and relish the city. If you would
In this post, you will best bus from Cusco to Puno, the different services available to travel from Cusco to Puno, direct buses, buses with stops, the route of the sun as know as Ruta del sol, and more. Cusco to Puno buses and prices Direct bus There are buses from Cusco to Puno, but you must book in advance in order to have a seat available there are several companies Inka Express bus, Transzela, Cruz del Sur, and more but not all of them are safe you must pay attention to your suitcases, Cusco Puno direct bus goes from